
also known as green garlic... quality Learn more about also known as green garlic... quality

  • How to cultivate garlic seedlings in greenhouse

    How to cultivate garlic seedlings in greenhouse

    Garlic sprouts, also known as green garlic (garlic yellow when there is no light). The flower moss of garlic consists of two parts: the flower stem (moss stem) and the involucre (bract). The moss bud is the involucre at the top of the flowering stem of garlic, which contains underdeveloped inflorescences. The garlic seedlings with good quality should be fresh and tender, and the plant height should be about 35 cm.

    2020-11-08 Garlic seedlings greenhouse how cultivation garlic seedlings also known as green garlic no see the light
  • How to cultivate garlic seedlings in greenhouse to achieve high yield

    How to cultivate garlic seedlings in greenhouse to achieve high yield

    Garlic sprouts, also known as green garlic (garlic yellow when there is no light). The flower moss of garlic consists of two parts: the flower stem (moss stem) and the involucre (bract). The moss bud is the involucre at the top of the flowering stem of garlic, which contains underdeveloped inflorescences. The garlic seedlings with good quality should be fresh and tender, and the plant height should be about 35 cm.

    2020-11-08 Garlic seedlings greenhouse how cultivation can high yield garlic seedlings also known as green garlic
  • Cultivation techniques of garlic seedlings

    Cultivation techniques of garlic seedlings

    Garlic sprouts, also known as green garlic (garlic yellow when there is no light). The garlic seedlings with good quality should be fresh and tender, the plant height is about 35 cm, the leaves are bright green, neither yellow nor rotten, the hairy roots do not wither, and the spicy taste is strong. Garlic seedlings have a certain protective effect on cardio-cerebral vessels, which can be predicted.

    2020-11-09 Garlic seedlings cultivation techniques garlic seedlings also known as green garlic no see the light
  • Cultivation and management of garlic seedlings in greenhouse

    Cultivation and management of garlic seedlings in greenhouse

    Garlic sprouts, also known as green garlic (garlic yellow when there is no light). The flower moss of garlic consists of two parts: the flower stem (moss stem) and the involucre (bract). The moss bud is the involucre at the top of the flowering stem of garlic, which contains underdeveloped inflorescences. Good quality garlic seedlings should be fresh and tender, with a plant height of 35%.

    2020-11-08 Garlic seedlings large scaffolding bed cultivation management garlic seedlings also known as green garlic
  • What is the planting method of garlic?

    What is the planting method of garlic?

    Single garlic, also known as single garlic, single garlic, only one clove of garlic. Its allicin content is higher and more popular than ordinary garlic. What is the method of growing garlic? What is the planting method of garlic? 1. Select sandy soil or sandy loam for land preparation

    2020-11-08 Single garlic planting method is how single garlic also known as single head
  • Key points of standardized cultivation techniques of garlic sprouts

    Key points of standardized cultivation techniques of garlic sprouts

    Garlic sprouts, also known as green garlic (garlic yellow when not visible). Garlic flower moss, including flower stem (moss stem) and involucre (moss bud) two parts. The bract is the involucre at the top of the garlic flower stem, containing incomplete inflorescences. Good quality garlic sprouts should be fresh and tender, and the plant height should be 35%.

    2020-11-08 garlic sprouts standardization cultivation techniques key points also known as garlic
  • Garlic is heavily protected against four insects.

    Garlic is heavily protected against four insects.

    It is well known that garlic has medicinal functions and is generally free from diseases, so it is rare to get sick. However, garlic can only inhibit the occurrence of some diseases, but can not inhibit the harm of pests. Aphids such as aphids, seed flies, thrips, leaf miners and other pests should be carefully controlled to ensure the quality of garlic. improve the cultivation efficiency: first, the aphids that mainly harm garlic are: radish aphid, cotton aphid, peach aphid, cabbage aphid, yellow, green, yellowish green, and cherry red respectively. When the temperature is higher, it is beneficial for them to continue to reproduce and

  • How to use water to grow garlic sprouts

    How to use water to grow garlic sprouts

    Garlic sprouts are also called green garlic. Garlic seedlings of good quality should be fresh, green leaves, not yellow not rotten, white roots do not wither, and spicy more concentrated. How do you grow garlic plants with water at home? First, garlic sprouts treatment First of all, choose the cultivation container, peel the prepared garlic,

    2020-11-08 How to use water to plant garlic sprouts garlic sprouts also known as green garlic... quality
  • The latest garlic seed price and planting method

    The latest garlic seed price and planting method

    Garlic, also known as garlic, garlic, Hu garlic, etc., is the general name of garlic plants of the genus Allium in Liliaceae. it is customary to refer to garlic, which is oblate or short conical, with grayish white or light brown membranous scales on the outside. It was introduced into China from the Western regions in the Qin and Han dynasties.

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic seeds prices and planting methods also known as
  • When is the right time to grow Liliaceae garlic? How can we produce high yields? When will the harvest be ripe?

    When is the right time to grow Liliaceae garlic? How can we produce high yields? When will the harvest be ripe?

    Garlic, also known as garlic, garlic. So when is it right to grow? How can we produce high yields? When will it be ripe for harvest? According to Uncle Guo of Linyi, Shandong Province, garlic planting is compared in autumn.

    2020-11-09 Lily family garlic when species appropriate how ability
  • Types, etiology and control of garlic diseases

    Types, etiology and control of garlic diseases

    1. Types of garlic diseases 1. Round leaves (also known as buckets) the disease is mainly manifested in the period before the garlic bolting comes out, and the garlic bolts are tightly wrapped in the barrel by the leaves at the top of the garlic, resulting in bolting or breaking. 2. Garlic is a multi-branch plant, grandpa and grandson, the nutrition is scattered, the nutrition of the trunk garlic stem is insufficient, it is thin and short. 3. The disease is mainly manifested in the appearance of spots on the epidermis of garlic bolts before the emergence of garlic bolts, such as white spots, macula, red spots and so on, resulting in rot or mildew of garlic moss. 4. Lemma of garlic turns red or blossoms

  • The latest garlic sprouts planting methods and time

    The latest garlic sprouts planting methods and time

    Garlic sprouts are also called green garlic, its leaves are bright green, there is a spicy taste, is our common color, seasoning vegetables, more popular with people, plus it is listed in the off-season vegetables, so the market is better, the price is more stable, now there are many people planting. Below kiss

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic sprouts planting method and time also known as
  • Prevention and control measures for the formation of yellow tip of garlic seedlings

    Prevention and control measures for the formation of yellow tip of garlic seedlings

    Garlic seedling is a green seedling in which garlic seedlings develop to a certain period. it grows in farmland. It has the spicy flavor of garlic and is eaten with its tender garlic leaves and leaf sheaths. Garlic seedlings are rich in vitamin C, protein, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and other nutrients.

    2020-11-08 Garlic seedling yellow tip formation cause control measures garlic seedling is
  • How to manage the garlic rejuvenation period?

    How to manage the garlic rejuvenation period?

    How to manage the garlic rejuvenation period? After the garlic overwintered, it entered the green period according to the climatic characteristics of the garlic producing area in Cangshan. After mid-February, the temperature gradually rose and the garlic plants began to grow actively. After the Spring Equinox, that is, in late March, the garlic cloves rotted (also known as "rotten mother" or "withdrawal mother"), the plant grew new adventitious roots, and the growth began to accelerate. In terms of management, the ground temperature should be increased and combined with fertilizer and water to accelerate the growth of plants. For garlic fields covered with horse dung or firewood in winter, remove the fertilizer or grass and let the ground dry for 2-3 days, which can raise the soil temperature and promote the roots.

  • Notice of Shandong Province on strengthening the risk Monitoring of the quality and Safety of garlic bolts

    Notice of Shandong Province on strengthening the risk Monitoring of the quality and Safety of garlic bolts

    The municipal agricultural bureau (committee of agriculture), the department belongs to the relevant units: our province is a major province of garlic bolting production and cold storage. In May every year, more than 3 million mu of garlic bolts in the province have entered the harvest period. In addition to a small amount of seasonal sales and consumption, more than 90% of the garlic bolting output needs to be refrigerated and stored.

    2020-11-09 Shandong Province about strengthening garlic bolting quality safety risk monitoring
  • The cultivation method and reproduction of garlic vine do you want to lose the leaves in winter?

    The cultivation method and reproduction of garlic vine do you want to lose the leaves in winter?

    Garlic vine is not generally good-looking, but also can climb the wall, garlic vine flowers are also particularly good-looking, just like a blossom of small trumpet flowers, what are the breeding methods of garlic vine? How do you reproduce? Do you want to lose the leaves in winter? The cultivation method of garlic vine: light and temperature, garlic vine likes light.

  • Cultivation of garlic vine

    Cultivation of garlic vine

    It is very difficult to attract attention when rattan flowers do not bloom, because they are also covered with whole green leaves, and they do not study their identity in detail; once they bloom, it suddenly makes people realize that they will also blossom! Garlic vines are not blooming, as soon as they blossom, they are stunning. It's just such a soft and beautiful flower, how can there be a word "garlic" in its name? Garlic vine, also known as Zhang's Ziwei, purple bell vine, belongs to the perennial vine of the family Liriodendron, native to tropical America. The plant is trailing, with tendrils, and the leaves are compound, dark green and oval.

  • Cultivation techniques of second crop (double cropping) of garlic

    Cultivation techniques of second crop (double cropping) of garlic

    First, what is the second crop of garlic. The so-called second crop (double season) garlic is to plant one season of early green garlic and one season of plastic film garlic (also known as garlic, bolting, garlic) in the year. Benefits of the second crop of garlic 1. It can effectively improve the land utilization rate and realize the planting system of "three kinds of three harvests" or "four kinds of four harvests" in one year, that is, "corn → green garlic → harvesting garlic" or "corn → watermelon or wax gourd → green garlic → harvesting". Every year, 4-5 days before the Qingming Festival, plant 2 rows of corn on the edge of garlic (waxy fresh corn is the most important).

  • Field planting and management techniques of garlic

    Field planting and management techniques of garlic

    Garlic, also known as garlic, garlic. Semiannual herb of the genus Allium in Liliaceae, used as a bulb in medicine. Harvest in spring and summer, tie the handle, hang in the ventilated place, dry in the shade and set aside. The agricultural proverb says that growing garlic

    2020-11-08 Garlic field planting management technology garlic also known as
  • What kind of vegetables should be grown in the family?

    What kind of vegetables should be grown in the family?

    What kind of vegetables should be grown in the family?
